The “work” of Edgar Cayce has been going on in Canada for over 35 years. Pioneered by Canadian students of the Cayce material. It blossomed from the intuitive thoughts and prayers of many individuals. By the year 2000, it had grown to a size that required incorporation and became the legal entity now known as Edgar Cayce Canada.
“To encourage exploration and application of the principles in the Edgar Cayce readings”
The Purpose of the ‘Work’ - “If there has been one soul turned toward the seeking of the Divine within, and that seeking has brought peace and understanding, the work has not been in vain. … Rather let each expression be of how much joy, happiness, service has been rendered to the varied individuals.”
- Edgar Cayce (254-86)
Canada Cayce Groups
Spiritual Growth Study Groups
Spiritual Growth Study Groups — Meet regularly and are gatherered
together in locations throughout Canada from the Pacific to the Atlanic.
To find a group in your area or learn how to start a new one, Contact Us.
Spiritual Growth Study Group
Background — In 1931, Edgar Cayce agreed to help a group of people grow spiritually and become more psychic, with one condition: They would have to "live' the precepts.
It took the group eleven years to apply and compile the twenty-four lessons that became A Search for God, Books I and II. This material has helped individuals and groups around the world to discover a closer attunement to God. We are going to explore this material with lively discussions along with dream analysis and meditation.
Sundays, 7:00pm EST - JOIN US!
We will be meeting online using Zoom software. Simply click on this link to join the meeting live with a computer, camera, mic and speakers, and meet with Edgar Cayce enthusiasts from... everywhere!